Our furry friends are awesome. They truly are beloved members of the family. But like all children, they can present challenges at times. And one of those challenges is pet urine, which leaves unsightly stains and unpleasant odors.
Many people use oxidizers (such as OxyClean™) to attempt to remove pet urine odors. Unfortunately, professional cleaners know (and you may as well), that oxidizers only temporarily mask odors. They do not remove them permanently or completely.

The reason pet urine odor is so challenging to remove is due to natural science — in this case, a process called the nitrogen cycle.
Without boring you with too much detail, the nitrogen cycle refers to how nitrogen converts from solid, liquid, and gaseous forms as it cycles through our environment. Rain, lightning, decaying waste and microbes all play an important role in the nitrogen cycle, and pet urine within carpet is no exception.
While oxidizers do kill bacteria on contact, perhaps surprisingly this is counterproductive to permanently eliminating pet urine odor.
Winning the Battle, But Losing the War
Applying an oxidizer on pet urine will immediately kill bacteria and remove odors. Good news, right? Not so fast.
While the urine odor may be gone, the problem remains. Why? Because oxidizers do not remove nitrogen, which is what attracts and feeds bacteria. This means that the area will soon repopulate with ammonifying bacteria.
And there are other problems with using oxidizers to remove pet urine. For instance, they do not remove uric salt. The sodium and nitrogen content of uric salt, along with atmospheric moisture, creates the perfect environment for the ammonifying bacteria to return.

The Real Solution to Removing Pet Urine Odor

So then is complete and permanent pet urine odor removal achievable? Is the only solution to replace carpets, rugs and furniture. Not at all!
Because All American’s experts understand the nitrogen cycle, we use it to our advantage by using products specifically designed to address all aspects of pet urine odor removal.
In short, the only effective way to eliminate the nitrogen that is the root cause of the odor is to speed up the ammonification process. How? By adding a quality spore-form bacterial digestant to the area. This creates enzymes to help the ammonifying bacteria digest the available nitrogen, allowing it to quickly pass to its gaseous form of ammonia and dissipate — completely and permanently!
You Will Appreciate the All American Difference – Guaranteed!
Are you ready to permanently and completely remove unsightly pet urine stains and unpleasant odors from your carpets, rugs or furniture? Then contact us today for more information!